Film Reviews by None

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Starship Troopers 3

Starship troopers - Marauder!!! Review

(Edit) 25/11/2008

Here comes the third installment of the straship troopers trilogy. I am pleased to announce that this film certainly doesn't dissapoint. For those of you who were miffed off at the second chapter of this sci fi spoof. Can put their fears aside. AS this is not a sequel to far as many film trilogies are.

What stands this out from the other films is a good dose of humour and a feel good story. The CG effects and sleek editing make it a joy to watch.

I have only one slight reservation and that is there isn't enough goo from the bugs. But everything else makes it a gem to watch

To summarise put this in your list to both enthrall and entertain you.

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