Film Reviews by ay

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Avengers: Endgame

A fantastic end to the series which will be thoroughly enjoyed by marvel fans

(Edit) 08/05/2020

Marvel fans will not be disappointed with the finale to the gripping saga. The Russo brothers have created a film that lets fans reminisce on the last decade of Marvel films accompanied by music accomplishments which created a sensational atmosphere especially during the finale scene which I guarantee will have you in pieces. I thought it was a perfect way to end the series but due to its long duration, slow build-up of plot and a fair share of plot holes, it will only be properly appreciated by hardcore Marvel fans and recommend you watch all the other Marvel films beforehand to enjoy it in the best way possible; a truly great film.

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Shaun the Sheep: Christmas Bleatings

Not an Xmas film

(Edit) 15/12/2019

Usual fun packed stuff. Dvd is a number of episodes from the tv series, however don’t be deceived by the title, none of the episodes have anything to do with Xmas.

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