Film Reviews by None

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Less Than Zero

Sanitised beyond recognition

(Edit) 19/03/2015

My brief reading online explains why the film ended up the way it did (producers, studios) but I was still left wondering. "Why?" Bret Easton Ellis' novel is about a nihilistic, spoilt teenager floating through life doing pretty much what he pleases. The film however is turned into a moral tale of drug abuse. Shame, because I think American Psycho proves how well Ellis' books can be adapted into films.

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Twisted Nerve


(Edit) 05/10/2014

It's taken me far to long to see this, it's availability isn't great and deserves a blu ray release really.

Ostensibly, Twisted Nerve is a dated, politically incorrect British thriller, but if you removed all of the dodgy language you'd actually have a rather liberal film which is trying in a rather ham handed way to show up prudish British values, archaic mental health research, racism and patriarchy.

That said, as a thriller it works well. Hywell Bennett is a nasty piece of work who plays the psychopath convincingly and with menace. His manipulation is calculated and cold and makes for some tense scenes.

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