Film Reviews by JD

Welcome to JD's film reviews page. JD has written 2 reviews and rated 5 films.

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The Woman King

Historical rewriting & cinema by numbers

(Edit) 13/02/2024

Yes, the film looks good but it all seems like a Disney-esque rewriting of history. In truth, Dahomey was one of the African nations that supported and helped the slave trade by enslaving other nations. To say they helped bring about the end of slavery is arrant nonsense. They only stopped slavery when the French forced them to .

As to Disney-esque, it alludes to throat-cutting and so on, but the camera carefully pulls away so it's all out of shot. It also seems to take place in a strange reality where the bad guys (the Portugese) just stand and let themselves get attacked, never mind their inability to shoot straight.

Don't waste your time, watch The Lion King instead.

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Salt and Fire

Hmm, plot makes no sense, but it does look gorgeous

(Edit) 14/04/2022

A UN delegation is kidnapped and one of them is taken to the place she was going to anyway. In many ways this is a typical Herzog film with odd philosophising, random aphorisms and fabulous landscape shots. It's worth watching for those alone and the steam engine graveyard, amazing. What doesn't redeem it is the woeful acting and deliberate ignorance of practical matters such as the Samsung tablet that never needs charged, I want one of those!

It is a vague science fiction morality tale but the science is lazy and makes no sense. Another Werner Herzog film ticked off. Pity he didn't put himself in it.

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