Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 6 reviews and rated 63 films.

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This Year's Love

so predictable

(Edit) 29/08/2006

as above, hardly a film with lots of twists and turns :-(

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The Who: The Kids Are Alright


(Edit) 11/04/2006

I found this movie of the greatest Rock band ever, just great!! ass an old Moddy boy, I couldn't wait to hire this film out, there's great scenes featuring Keith Moon, larking about, John Enwhistle's house, and shooting Gold records, Roger Daltry's moody, microphone swinging vocals, and Pete Townsheds, manic arm swinging riffs on the guitar!! Great film, great band! AA++

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This is possibily the worst yet!

(Edit) 16/05/2007

OMG!!! I pulled the DVD out of the drawer within 10 mins, I just can't believe I rented this film out! where shall I start!! OK, here goes

1. The script must have been written by a 10 year old, this is one poorly wriiten piece of work - period.

2. The so called " special effects" well, the old Jason and the argonauts film from the 60's had far better effects, believe me!!

3. The film was probably aimed at the poor saddo's who watch channel 5 at 2 in the afternoon. Even the "local" turks, had broad American accents. I really can't imagine who raised the cash for this film!!

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Ocean's Twelve


(Edit) 11/01/2006

well, i'd rather have my teeth pulled by a pair of pliers, than to go through that again - fantastic waste of the stars time in my view...


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The War of the Worlds

wow, they sure don't make them like they used to!

(Edit) 11/01/2006

I can remember seeing this film for the 1st time when i was only 6, and it scared the hell out of me! I remember peeping behing the sofa, and wondering if this could really happen, and thinking "why have those spaceships got lamp posts on top??" But to watch this film, was a treat, and you can see quite clearly, where SS ripped this film off. But this is the ORIGINAL - no mistake about this one. My score 8 - 10!

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

good remake

(Edit) 03/04/2006

I saw this movie with my daughter, having seen the original film, and I half expected a frame by frame remake, but i was suprised by the freshness of the remake! Johnny Depp, must have loved this part, as you can see by his acting! He has made Willy Wonka, an eccentric, but slightly disturbed, genius, discreetly digging at the kids, especially Mike TV!! Great film for the family, recommended!

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