Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 4 reviews and rated 21 films.

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Apollo 18


(Edit) 23/08/2012

An interesting concept, filmed in a documentary style, hand held camera, with some excellent low key effects. It slowly builds from a nervy beginning to outright horror. The acting by an unknown cast is excellent.

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(Edit) 13/07/2012

A story that is incoherent and defies analysis, clumsy dialogue, acting that should be good, (look at the cast) and is not. The script, if it ever existed is awful, the direction-amateur. This is so bad it should be funny, but sadly it even fails at that! The actors should have had a whip round to buy the rights and stop it being shown.

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The Station Agent

really memorable . . .

(Edit) 04/01/2012

Beautifully acted, written and directed this story of small town USA is subtle, funny and warm hearted.

The casting is brave and very successful. It's the imperfections in people that make us like them and even love them. Brilliant.

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Red Hill

red faces down under!

(Edit) 09/09/2011

I was shocked to read another reviewer before I saw this. He said it was the worst film he'd seen in a while. It can't be that bad, I thought.

I think he was being kind. The plot is one long cliche, the dialogue is deadly dull, the characters a bunch of Australian idiots, neither funny or scary, even the intended star is an incompetent clod. Acting is wooden. Bits of Clint Eastwood movies are regurgitated. Reminds one of a film school student's first attempt.Not quite bad enough to be hilarious, I'm afraid.

The Oz film industry should be thoroughly ashamed of this.

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