Rent Aussie Park Boyz Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental

Aussie Park Boyz (2004)

1.5 of 5 from 45 ratings
1h 43min
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Gangsters, riots, hatred, rivalry, revenge and death - a realistic and violent view of the trials and tribulations of growing up in a street gang.
In a small Australian city the various gangs - each representing different nationalities or ethnic groups - all strive to be bigger, better, faster and stronger than their rivals.
Gang members Cam John Franco and Pepe Siciliano have proven reputation that has spread throughout the community. Fights that at one time started as self defence now become a way of earning money. Cam's fighting reputation leads to him being recruited by bigger players...but an accidental killing sends both Cam and Pepe to prison.
Upon their release they are met with a web of deceit, lies and revenge - they must watch their backs as they find themselves fighting for the truth and their very lives.
Joe Murabito, Vince Ferraloro, Renato Santoro, Biagio Ventrelli, Jeff Jakotic, , Vanshar Baptiste, Duane Chapman, , Bluff Chapman, Vince Ferralord, Nunzio La Bianca
Nunzio La Bianca
Nunzio La Bianca
Screen Entertainment
Action & Adventure
Release Date:
Not available for rental
Run Time:
103 minutes

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