Film Reviews by None

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(Edit) 14/04/2012

I'm not going to bang on, I just felt I had to write that I went through every emotion watching this film. I rarely cry at films, but truthfully I literally cried my eyes out through some parts of it. Fantastic acting.

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Interesting style

(Edit) 24/11/2011

This is a short film, with documentary type interviews with German school kids before and after.

For people who are well versed with the atrocities of Auschwitz and the holocaust, this film will not add to your knowledge.

What I liked about the film is the message it is trying to put out. It highlight's the lack of knowledge a lot of people have of the horrific events and shows that it needs to be taught better and more prevalently in schools.

The basic premise is, if people do no know, if people don't understand, if people are not taught then how can we ensure nothing like it ever happens again.

It is made to shock people with it's straight forward style. The film shows in decent detail events before and after the gas chambers.

This film is an ideal tool to use as part of a teaching plan.

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