Film Reviews by None

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(Edit) 24/10/2007

Beautiful photography provides a majestic backdrop to the unfolding saga of Ghandi developing as a man and finding a role in Indian life. Fabulous acting but it is a long film and you need to concentrate.Not a film for the faint hearted but worth dedicating time to.

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Happy Feet

Happy feet

(Edit) 24/10/2007

Very superficial and light. Did not retain children's attention for long (ages 8 and 10). Obvious plot with deliberately fluffy hero and pals. Seen it all before. A poor relation to Madagascar. Probably best for younger children.

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Bleak House: Series

A dickens of a film

(Edit) 22/03/2008

Mesmerising photography, fabulous character acting by all which is without fault, racy complex plot which intrigues and draws you on. We all enjoyed it as a family and even the 8 year was demanding more. Phil Davies was particluarly brilliant but so was Matthew Kelly. 100% enjoyment for all ages.

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The Da Vinci Code

Deadly Da Vinci

(Edit) 22/03/2008

Extremely disappointing. Did not live up to the book. The plot got lost somewhere along the way with key characters appearing without explanation. If you had not read the book it would be impossible to follow. The acting was poor and Hanks was wrongly cast. It could have all been so much better; what a waste of an oppurtunity.

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Prime Suspect: The Complete Collection

Premium Prime Suspect

(Edit) 22/03/2008

Helen Mirren is gritty, tough but shows a human touch. This series has not aged and in fact is better for the second viewing. Long but worth it. Fast plot, good acting and slick filming. Good.

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Marie Antoinette

All costumes and no plot

(Edit) 25/09/2008

The photography, spectacular background and lavish costumes are not enough to make up for a total lack of plot. Surprising given this is about Marie Antionette and the French Revolution. Given the Director's family connections (Copolla's daughter)it was very disappointing. Lots of money had been poured into this but zero talent.If i had not know the history of the period it would have been hard to sit through.

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The Railway Children

Magical period piece

(Edit) 25/09/2008

My daughter aged 11 enjoyed this story but found the black and white film off putting. Jenny Aguter is very breathy and girly; much as i remembered her. For me it was very dated and a bit sugary but enojyable all the same.

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