Film Reviews by None

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Tell No One

Tell Everyone!

(Edit) 12/08/2008

This film is based on the first Harlen Coben book that I ever read. After reading the book, I immediately got my grubby mitts on all the other Coben books and have not loved all of them.

I was really looking forward to the film, though I was a little concerned when I realised it had subtitles (I was afraid it would distract from the action). Did I like it? I enjoyed every second of it and whilst some would argue that film adaptations are never as good as the book, I don't think it's actually relevant is it? You read a book, you watch a film. Completely different!

My husband hasn't read the book and thought this film was "really good" too. I'd definitely recommend it.

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The Oxford Murders

Oxford Murdered

(Edit) 15/02/2009

This was apparently based on a book and I think it should have stayed that way. With the exception of Elijah Wood and John Hurt, this was liking watching a very bad AmDram production. The acting was hammed up beyond belief and what was the dubbed over Russian lunatic all about?! It was watchable, in that we watched it to the end, but definitely not memorable (not for the right reasons!).

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