Film Reviews by None

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Eaten Alive

Vice and Virtue

(Edit) 04/01/2010

The opening close up shot leaves us in no doubt as to the source of the evil in this film. Horror film buffs will notice the presence of a young Robert Englund, the man who went on to be Freddy Kruger, in a Nightmare on Elm Street.

As a horror film in modern times, it looks dated and odd, though the first death scene is more visceral, personal and disturbing than many.

The film plays out the struggle between virtue and vice, repression and desire, both of which have their consequences in death. The crocodile, with its insatiable appetite, is just a unique method of body disposal.

If you're a horror film fan you'll want to see this, just as a stamp collector would want a rare stamp. If you're just looking for creepy old horror, it may be best to look elsewhere.

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