Film Reviews by None

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In Bruges

A lost opportunity.

(Edit) 28/08/2009

Colin Farrell, whom I dislike as an actor and person, plays his part well and Brendan Gleeson never puts in a poor performance. Ralph Fiennes attempting to do a Ben Kingsley (as psychopath Don Logan in Sexy Beast) fails to work. However the swearing is over-used (I agree a good cuss in the right spot adds to a scene) and there is absolutely no need for the 'c' word - I was going to switch off at that point but was out-voted. Good scriptwriters don't need to rely on swearing.

Apart from Gleeson, there is a good performance from Jordan Prentice as the dwarf extra in a make-believe film shoot.

Overall, and swearing aside, an entertaining film that should have been really good but just misses the mark on occasions.

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A Comedy of Power

Oo la la.

(Edit) 28/08/2009

How often do you see credits at the BEGINNING of a film that state the film is fictional and any similarity to real characters or events is co-incidental? It's good fun spotting who the real-life characters from the French political arena are, and if you don't have a clue what I am talking about, search for Mitterrand and Chirac on-line. Very good performances from all and an enjoyable film.

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Tropic Thunder


(Edit) 28/08/2009

I saw the one funny, no amusing, moment in this film when I saw the trailer for it. I wish I could get a career like these Holllywood actors who get huge amounts of money for churning out films of less than average entertainment value. They get away with it because a) the films are wrapped up as big production numbers b) we hope the next one will be funny.

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