Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 3 reviews and rated 11 films.

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2012: Doomsday

Snow that never settles

(Edit) 07/04/2010

Or at least not until the end if even then. The concept of the film is good but was made badly for about a fiver as you got the impression that a lot of stock footage was just about the best that they could come up with. A very poor effort and very disappointing given the conception.

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Bridge to Terabithia

Childhood escapism

(Edit) 14/02/2008

A pleasant, poignant film showing how opposites can match with one of the characters having a very vivid imagination and the other being unacceptably, to his family, artistic. Both characters come from totally opposing backgrounds but show how they merge harmoniously due to their own engaging characteristics. Recommended viewing for those with the imagination to create breathtaking scenery though a little sad (weepy).

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The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Destruction of our planet

(Edit) 28/08/2009

Enjoyed this film immensely as it was very realistic given the Earth's present predicament. The real downside to this film is it only related itself to one of Earth's major problems at the moment whereas it could have at least related to the fact that the world will not be able to feed itself with the immense increase in population as well as the many other human falacies that continue to amaze yet the human race fails to do anything to close up the loop holes that creates these falacies. A good watch with a heart warming ending. Particularly liked the bit where the alien answers the scientists canumdrum whereby John Cleese asks the alien if it will really work! Reminds me of another film but cannot remember which film? The film still leaves you wandering if the human race can save the planet although we will probably do what we did before? A select number of human beings or their essances will be transported to a new world to recommence the cycle all over again! Subject of another film?

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