Film Reviews by None

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Slap Shot

Good Old Paul Newman

(Edit) 13/11/2008

A film starring Paul Newman and directed by George Roy Hill. Surely a winner? Don't be fooled. I rented this because i'd read someone call this a 'forgotten gem', which is half correct. There are some funny scenes but it's not aged well and i expect it was a lot funnier at the time. The film never really gets going and the plot, like so many sports films, is pretty flimsy. Newman isn't bad in it, but he's not great either. I'll remember him for his other films.

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Just outside Reality

(Edit) 13/11/2008

This film is brilliant. There are two American directors who i have taken a real interest in. Wesw Anderson is one of them. Some people do not like his style of film making, i love it. If you liked Rushmore, if you liked The Royal Tenembaum's, this film is for you. If you didn't, maybe steer clear.

The film follows Steve Zissou, a documentary film-maker, avenging the life of his colleague who was eaten by a mysterious multi-coloured shark. There are a catalogue of great characters characters, one of which (Owen Wilson) is thought to be, although probably isn't, Steve's son. Plus a soundtrack, by Sea Jorge, of Bowie songs translated into Portuguese,

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