Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 7 reviews and rated 116 films.

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Children of Men

Children of Men

(Edit) 17/05/2007

Think I saw an earlier film years ago that had something of the central idea. Interesting development of some of the characters, but story line can drag at times. Ending leaves much of it in the air as to what future mankind can have. A film to watch because it is different and not always predictable. NOT one for the laughs though! Pessimistic outlook.

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X-Men: The Last Stand

X-Men 3

(Edit) 17/05/2007

As good as the last two - take that comment whatever way you like! If you loved or hated the first 2, you will react the same. Compulsory watching for the fans. Some freshness in the story, so a better than average sequel.

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Behind Enemy Lines II

Behind Enemy Lines

(Edit) 17/05/2007

One thing in its favour is a fast moving story line, so as one of my first rentals from Paradiso, it encouraged me to stay on board.

So plenty of action, but many will also groan at the obvious American psychology that constantly needs to be fed this hypo national hero stuff. Americans need to write something to cheer themselves up after Korea, Vietnam, Iraq... But you don't have to like Americans to enjoy the film.

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Memoirs of a Geisha

memoirs of a gehisha

(Edit) 17/05/2007

A very different film - griping, in that the story line continues to evolve and is not predictable. Also manages to explain the culture and the background so that the western film watcher is not lost at all. In fact I sat down to rewatch much of it and also paid some attention to the additional material on the DVD. Yes, very different and I would be inclined to try the book.

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The Host

The Host

(Edit) 17/05/2007

Interesting monster! More a spoof on South Korean society that dead serious science fiction, there were a number of laughs intended in the film. Not my highest choice for an evening, but one for an evening when not much on the tv

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March of the Penguins

March of the Penguins

(Edit) 17/05/2007

Ok, so it is a documentary. One that the wife and I watched and found it kept our attention. Yes, I would watch it again! Not many documentaries that can keep you like that. Well produced. Definitely different, informatve and at times quite moving.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Pirates of the C2

(Edit) 17/05/2007

Yuk! Biggest hate was what they had done with Johnny's character. May have been well acted, but some of the character changes, perhaps a spoof on the actors themselves, were a bit of a turn off. Anyway, those of you who watched the first will probably have to see this sequel and get it out of your system!

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