Film Reviews by VE

Welcome to VE's film reviews page. VE has written 3 reviews and rated 6 films.

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A Star Is Born

Superb film

(Edit) 01/05/2019

Great music and visuals make this a superb film. Lady Gaga deserved an Oscar for this one. The acting and music are first class.

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Swimming with Men

Not one for the waterphobic.

(Edit) 19/03/2019

A light hearted film with great soundtrack and some quirky shots. If you enjoy something which is a bit different with a feel good factor this is for you.

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Just gorgeous

(Edit) 04/06/2018

Sheer escapism for lovers of Greek Islands. This colourful glimpse of life on the island of Kastellorizo during the Italian rule is a lighthearted and entertaining watch. Touches of humour and great setting ensure an enjoyable film.

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