Film Reviews by LD

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Beautiful Boy


(Edit) 25/08/2019

Set against a backdrop of a serene woodland home and chaotic/slightly nostalgic city scenes, this movie literally throws you into addiction time and time again. Near full track musical scoring gives you the sense of time passing linking the main characters (father and son). 

Hope is repeatedly pulled from underneath you leavIng you craving more (echoing addiction?) and different family view points drain your sense of empathy, sympathy and an un nerving familiarity. 

Contrasting sun lit glory days and dark drug filled nights intertwine the juxtaposed timeline.

This movie throws your emotions around with your heart and brain feeling bashed and bruised, much like the central characters.

Watch it with someone, you’ll need a hug when the credits roll as the “beautiful boy” recites his favourite poem.  

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Isle of Dogs

Beautiful to watch and beautiful story

(Edit) 17/07/2019

Very smart and stylish stop animation with a lovely story that is great for adults a children alike  

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