Film Reviews by NS

Welcome to NS's film reviews page. NS has written 6 reviews and rated 23 films.

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Everybody Knows


(Edit) 14/07/2019

Great cast and what should of been a terrific thriller, but for one reason. The film itself builds slowly, and centres on a  family wedding and the disappearance of a girl. The tension builds in what should of been a good thriller. The disappointment being the ending. Very flat  

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A Good Drama

(Edit) 09/04/2019

A good drama, superbly acted, and very atmospheric set on the Island of Jersey. Would highly recommend

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Different, but enjoyable.

(Edit) 17/02/2019

A enjoyable thriller. A fathers daughter goes missing, as we see things unfold through his computer, I Phone and the tech world everyone lives in. Different, but enjoyable.

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The Greasy Strangler

Utter Nonesense

(Edit) 26/10/2018

Anyone who enjoys a good film, whatever the Genre, will, in my opinion find this film a complete waste of time and energy. Probably the worst film I’ve seen. Not sure what I expected, not sure how to sum it up either. Terrible, trashy and crass I think sums it up.

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The Keeper of Lost Causes

Tense Thriller

(Edit) 26/10/2018

Top Scandinavian thriller, great acting with the tension building up slowly, as the story unfolds. Keeps you totally gripped from the start. Would highly recommend

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The Body


(Edit) 25/09/2018

Enjoyed this thriller. Storyline very good, told at a steady pace, with twists and turns along the way. A good twist at the end. Would highly recommend

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