Film Reviews by LF

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Don't trust the critics

(Edit) 24/01/2022

Requested this because a critic described it as 'unjustly neglected'.  Over-long, over-complicated, inconsistent, totally improbable, waste of acting talent and a mockery of the true every-day awfulness of child abduction.  Save your money.  Rent something else.

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The Sense of an Ending

You had to have been there properly to understand

(Edit) 02/10/2017

Those who did not live through the 1950s, 60s and 70s are likely to appreciate this fine film less than an older audience. You need to have known what it was like not to have easy and instant communication, not to have the acceptance of sexual freedom, not to have equality, not to have even the language in which to discuss how you felt and thought, let alone the societal permission to do so. You need to have carried the weight of expectations of behaviour and relationships that are unthinkable by today's young, and you need to have had your heart broken, to have lost touch, to have lived a life and then, in your later years, to have tried to work out what it was really all about. Somebody younger, who is interested and aware, could and should enjoy the film, not least for the delicacy with which the story is expressed. Older viewers will not need to have it explained.

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