Film Reviews by Tezzer

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(Edit) 07/07/2022

Picture and sound quality horrendous. I’ve got VHS tapes that look better than this. The colour was washed out, there were scratches from beginning to end and the sound was low and muffled throughout! The worst film transfer I’ve ever seen, I couldn’t watch it! Why is this disc still in circulation.?

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The Book of Henry


(Edit) 17/01/2020

I really wanted to like this film, I really did. The premise is a good one and the acting (especially the children), is first rate. The first half of the film is really quite enjoyable, but then there’s a sudden tonal shift in the second half, it’s quite jarring and the story becomes completely implausible. In fact it’s laughable, I don’t get how anyone involved could think that this narrative would work? It certainly didn’t work for me. A wasted opportunity. Shame :(

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(Edit) 17/07/2019

Somewhere between dead slow and stop is the pacing that this dire film adopts.

Who on earth sanctioned this garbage? It is utterly pointless, avoid at all costs. 

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