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The Endz: Series

Laughably Bad

(Edit) 06/09/2014

I worked as a runner for a short while on the show (AKA Basil Faulty tries his hand at showbiz) so I have first hand accounts of The Endz, having seen the episodes. Don't worry, I am not going to give away any of the plot as their isn't any.

To sum up the style of The Endz, is was meant to be like 'Shameless' meets 'The Wire'. In actual fact it is more like Hollyoaks meets Kidulthood meets The Mr. Men, written by a 10 year old on a heavy prescription of Ritalin. The motives behind the characters seem to be "I am so street, therefore I must be an utter arse to everyone and be needlessly confrontational". People are not like this is real life. If they were we would never have progressed as a society and still be living in a cave, dying at age 25 of a nasty bout of the shits.

Actors are know for immersing themselves in their characters; Heath Ledger famously locked himself in a room for a month in preparation for his role as The Joker. Many other draw up on classic thespian styles to sculpt their performances. I can only assume Chris Kenna and Co. got all their professional training from porn and nativity plays.

One thing that The Endz will be known for is it's emphasis on dramatic pause. Speaking to a guy who worked as an editor for about a month, he told me that the 23 and a half minute episodes fell short, at around 15-17 minutes each. Rather than write new material, an executive decision was made to extend the cut scenes, fade to blacks and draw out the scenes. Love scenes have characters staring longing at each other, whereas the tension can be cut with a knife during an argument as the characters are so livid with one another that they just stare at each other, fuming.

In it's defence, The Endz may be worth a watch as it can be unintentionally funny, in the same way that getting really stoned and watching the B-Movies on Movies for Men can be a laugh with your mates.

I suppose that makes a suitable conclusion: Don't watch The Endz, unless you are off your tits.

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