Film Reviews by MD

Welcome to MD's film reviews page. MD has written 18 reviews and rated 26 films.

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Boy Meets Boy

Save your time.

(Edit) 24/07/2022

There's obviously a lot of money for gay movies in Germany at the moment. In this underwhelming offering 2 bland, boring numpties drift round Berlin and reveal their narcissistic vacuity. I watched the short on the DVD from the same director which showed nothing of interest either so the main feature's lack of interest and imagination is no surprise. Quite honestly, as a gay man I have come to the conclusion that there are far too many gay movies being made at the moment and the overall quality has consequently plummeted. A lot of these directors have nothing new to say and are quite frankly getting money for old rope.

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Aya Arcos

Messy shocker

(Edit) 30/05/2021

I don't normally bother to write reviews and I usually get something out of most things I watch.

But this is really one to avoid. Poor or nonexistent script, poor acting, hardly any structure. God knows how they managed to raise the money to make this in a poor country like Brazil.

Actually a lot of the Brazilian movies I have seen are a bit second-rate. The best one by far is 'The way he looks'. Argentinian films are way better on the whole.

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Slow-burn classic drama

(Edit) 02/01/2019

This is a great film. More European than American with subtle, understated dialogue and really good performances from the cast. Needs to be watched at least twice and every time you see more little details in it. Beautiful to look at too with a slow pace that enables you to take everything in including the scenery.

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