Film Reviews by DJB

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Triangle of Sadness

"Beauty as a currency"

(Edit) 19/12/2023

I thought that this was excellent.

It's thought provoking and at times very funny. Having read some of the other reviews, it should be said that this is very much a dark comedy.

It may be too obscene for some, but I think this is where the film's obscenity is effective; your money and power may enable you to be cruel to the cabin crew, but in choppy waters you can roll around in your own sick just like anyone else.

This is more than just obscene comedy though, it's an exploration of wealth, beauty and entitlement.

It's a film that is packed with detail, insights and clever writing that could easily be missed between the toilet humour.

For those that said the first 30 minutes was boring, in my opinion the director has gone to pain staking detail to paint character traits that explain behaviours later on. Without giving spoilers.

Anyway, I loved it. But it won't be for everyone.

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Mixed bag

(Edit) 19/12/2023

Nice concept, but it felt like a disjointed execution. And too long.

There were some good performances and gags, but for me it lacked the quantity/quality of gags to be a decent comedy. And it lacked story/heft/subtlety to be something more.

Possibly the inevitable result of a director wanting to make a movie of substance, mixed with a meddling toy company wanting to use it to shift more products.

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