Film Reviews by MT

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Wild Tales

Revenge is Sweet

(Edit) 22/03/2018

6 short stories about revenge that make you laugh, and cringe. My favourite was a road rage incident that escalates somewhat, and ends with the cops trying to work out what happened. One suggests that it could have been a crime of passion, as the two burnt bodies appear locked in some kind of embrace! Then there's the explosives expert working for a demolition firm that has his car towed, three times... can you guess?

Its a bit like Tales of the Unexpected meets Aesops Fables. Thoroughly recommended!

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A terrible film that could only be made in this country?

(Edit) 03/03/2018

An unusual combination of implausible, yet predictable and tedious. I found myself thinking that it would have been better all round if the central character had not come out of his coma.

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