Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 12 reviews and rated 67 films.

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A Clockwork Orange

Engrossingly bizarre

(Edit) 27/05/2010

This film is, in a word, bizarre. Every character in the entire film is a weirdo! None more so than the main character, who despite his thuggish, mindless antics, displays high levels of intellect and a broad well used vocabulary along with a very polite manner of speaking. The character is very well played by Malcolm McDowell and you can't help wanting to see what happens next with elements of comedy thrown in. Just when I started to feel ready for the film to finish, it did, so the durability is at its maximum. I wouldn't watch it again now that I've seen it. But I wasn't disappointed. Sorry if I'm vague but perhaps I should say this one is Marmite, you'll either love it or hate it and you won't know until you try it..having said that I'm still undecided. :~

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Rambo 4

A step up from the 1st 3

(Edit) 06/10/2010

This is a great action film for action fans. I wouldnt recommend it to everyone though. It features a village attack with men, woman and children being killed quite graphically, so - not for everyone. In fact most kills in this film are quite graphic and any action fan would appreciate it. Despite the fairly basic storyline, it keeps you engrossed and its a bit more believeable than Rambo 2 and 3. I will watch it again.

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You will be

(Edit) 06/10/2010

If you liked 'Man on Fire' watch this! A similar story, but in my view this is far better. Neeson is brilliant, plenty of action with bits that made me think "This film is cool as...". The length of the film is ideal too, not too long. Would definitely watch it again.

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The Quick and the Dead

Off beat Humour or Cheesyness?

(Edit) 10/06/2010

A star studded western, right up my street. I'm not sure about Sharon Stone's performance in this, and there is some cheesy acting and lines by one or two others, surprisingly, DiCaprio who I usually rate. It is an enjoyable film and as a western fan, for me it was good watching all in all. Some may find it a little long for such a basic story line, and the end is predictable but that didn't ruin the film, if you don't mind a western, this is worth a look at.

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The Animatrix

An acquired taste

(Edit) 10/06/2010

Only comic book and animation fans should really watch this. The first part is quite interesting and illustrated well to tell the story of how the human race falls to the machines. I think enyone couild appreciate this first part perhaps. However, the remainder is a number of short Matrix stories, each illustrated in different types of animation and an awful lot of surreal visuals. Like I say, unless your a real comic book fan, give this a miss.

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Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Final flop

(Edit) 27/05/2010

I saw a snippet of this film years ago and have been looking forward to watching it in all its impressive CGI animated glory. The animation is still impressive. Unfortunatly the story is very slow moving and not much really happens in its drawn out build up to a predictable twist at the end. Not that you really care by this point. Like I say this is great to look at but I'm pretty sure I won't be watching it again.

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Man on Fire

Washington on Fire

(Edit) 26/05/2010

Although its a while before anything really happens, I like how this film spends time to show you the bond thats, forceably at first, built between the girl and her bodyguard. Thus you care when it all goes off. Washington is great as the cool, calm but lethal weapon with a no-nonsense attitude and his path through the storyline, for me, is believable. Can't say anything about the end without spoiling it. There are moments throughout, of purposely shakey camera work and quick zooms and panning for effect, I found it annoying more than anything but it didn't spoil it. A good film!

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Behind Enemy Lines

Rambo eat your heart out

(Edit) 25/05/2010

No he doesnt single handedly take on the entire Bosnian army, he does survive an awful lot of firepower pointed in his direction though. Its a bit of an oldey now but I rented this simply because I haven't seen it. Its actually quite good. There's a bit of a Top Gun-esque kind of feel to the beginning but once Wilson is shot down its a pretty good adventure which does keep your interest. If the survival of the hails of bullets and the dramatic ending scenes don't bother you too much. All in all this film is ok.

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This is Cagey

(Edit) 25/05/2010

This film begins with a little entrigue regarding Navajo recruitment, training and acceptance into the US army. You do get a little attached to the main Navajo characters. When the action kicks in though this is a just another of many war movies, offering little or nothing new. I watched this a few weeks ago and can't even remember the end, don't think I was paying much attention by then.

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Fun with Dick and Jane


(Edit) 25/05/2010

This is fairly slow to start with but have patience, when it gets going it does what it says on the tin. Its a good fun enjoyable comedy. One moment in particular had my wife and I in stitches. A satisfying film worth a look at.

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March of the Penguins

Penguins are hard!

(Edit) 25/05/2010

This really illustrates what a hard life is. From start to finish its an eye-opener and shows that perhaps we could all learn a thing or 2 about dedicated parenting. There are funny, heart-breaking and heart-warming moments throughout. Didn't make me cry but some may want the tissues handy.

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16 Blocks

What you'd expect

(Edit) 25/05/2010

You CAN judge this film by its cover. None the less its a good film to watch and you find yourself warming to the 2 main characters and genuinely fearing for there safety. The film maintains good pace and a little twist at the end makes for a satisfying film in my opinion.

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