Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 6 reviews and rated 11 films.

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Minimal Stories

Essential viewing for the sensitive soul

(Edit) 22/10/2010

I adored this film. Although not gripping and with a snail paced plot line, the characters are well portrayed and I personally felt every emotion along with them. I want to adopt Don Justo! If you're a fan of Bonbon (also directed by Sorin) then I definately recommend this.

- also I actually agree with the review above...the dog made it's scene feel very real and ultimately more touching!

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Linha De Passe

Not as expected, but touching

(Edit) 09/10/2010

This film has real heart, it tells the story of four brothers living in Sao Paulo and how they seek individual goals. Good acting, very watchable.

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Central Station

A touching and welcome respite from City-of-God style portrayals in Brazilian film

(Edit) 08/11/2010

Another great film from Walter Salles, Central Station is extrememly watchable with great chemistry between it's main characters. It follows the search for young Josue's father after the untimely death of his mother, but really works beautifully upon such a simple plot. Recommended.

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Behind the Sun

Not up to scratch for Salles

(Edit) 25/01/2011

After not long discovering the films of Walter Salles (and loving every one to date), Behind the Sun was a big disappointment. It's slow moving, the plot's tiresome and the acting lacking emotion. That said, it wasn't entirely unwatchable as the take on life in Brazil shows something a bit different than his other films, so for that I give it 3 stars. Just don't put it at the top of your list.

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Foreign Land

Interesting viewing, if not a little strained

(Edit) 08/11/2010

Foreign Land is one of those films that could have been amazing, but falters (in my opinion) on the on-screen chemistry between characters and the development of Paco. Although parts were well acted, some of his actions in the film feel unrealistic for this character. Similarly, important relationships don't appear as genuine as they should. Still, 4 stars for watchability. If were not being picky, it was enjoyable viewing.

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Black Orpheus

Beautifully captures the spirit of samba

(Edit) 20/10/2010

Black Orpheus follows the developing love between the titles Orpheus and Eurydice; culminating in a climatic scene of jealousy, love and samba at the carnival parade. Although the acting wasn't amazing and the storyline lacks a distinct narrative this film clearly isn't concerned with these aspects so much as spinning a web of representations about Brazilian life and love. In the end, it was enjoyable to watch and the pace didn't drag like some other 'older' films.

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