Film Reviews by None

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9 to 5

Wonderful feelgood feminist film from the 80s

(Edit) 13/11/2018

I love this film - it's funny but with some serious undertones, particularly relevant in the #MeToo era.

The trippy mid section is a little overlong - but when the action kicks in in the second act it's a blast!

The female leads are great but it's Dabney Coleman who steals the show as the Sexist, Egotistical, Lying, Hypocritical Bigot!

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The Big Sick

Warm-hearted, sweet, tear-jerker

(Edit) 21/05/2018

This film is unusual in the fact that it's a real life tale of how Pakistani standup comedian meets & falls in love with a white American girl. It could have been played strictly for laughs (which to be honest was the main reason I rented it) But what the film actually explores is the male character's cowardice in revealing what he truly wants - whether it's to his pushy parents who are trying to force him into an arrange marriage, or to his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend about his true feelings for her.

The cast are superb - particularly her parents - and all the characters feel that they are real people with individual foibles & quirks, who you grow to care about over the course of the film.

A perfect date night movie - just remember a box of tissues alongside your box of popcorn.

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