Film Reviews by None

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Harry Brown

An interesting fantasy...

(Edit) 17/10/2011 which all of both the perpetrators and victims of gun and drug crime in the sink estates of modern Britain are white. I deplore the blatant lack of 'diversity' in this film. But who needs the truth when we can be entertained by the kind of fiction the self flagellating liberal middle class white chatterattzi persist in believing in the face of cold evidence?

Aside from that appalling dishonesty (which does black people a great disservice), the film was half decent.

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True Grit

Best foreign language film

(Edit) 18/06/2011

unfortunately no subtitles for the no doubt marvellous but entirely unintelligible performance of Jeff Bridges. a great film otherwise - if only they'd made in in English...

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Orphee Et Eurydice


(Edit) 28/05/2011

I don't know why this works as well as it does but it does. Gluck's music can seem static and cold but this production, stylised and oddly mechanical at times, somehow breathes humanity and feeling into the piece more than an overtly 'dramatic' interpretation would. Magdelena Kozena is as sublime as ever.

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A French 'Lock Stocks' but unfunny and unpleasant

(Edit) 04/03/2008

This aspires to the same blend of comedy and violence as Lock Stocks and Two Smoking Barrels but as it fails to be funny the violence becomes pretty unpleasant. Vincent Cassell and Monica Bellucci, married off screen, fail to bring their real life chemistry to the movie as they did in Irreversible.

And although the violence in Irreversible is more extreme it forms part of a serious and far more successful film.

Vincent Cassell is unconvincing and unentertaining as hard man Dobermann and Monica Bellucci makes nothing of the potential in playing a deaf sidekick. It's as if she's asked the producer to make her character deaf just to avoid having to deliver any lines.

Dobermann seems long at 99 minutes and the transfer to DVD is grainy and shaky. One to avoid unless you have to see absolutely everything Monica Bellucci has ever appeared in ;)

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