Film Reviews by None

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The Cooler

What was with the violence?

(Edit) 21/11/2009

This film could have been really good if it wasn't for the pointless violence, which seemed to be mainly towards the women in the film, including a 'pregnant' woman, I understand that some films need a certain amount of violence (and actually this film should have had more violence in certain parts and towards the right people, again why was it all aimed at the women in the film) but at least justify it first and do it properly, this film seemed to just throw it in for interest and shock value (which is evident when the screen shoots perfect shots of the injuries a good few scenes after the actual violence...yes please get over it, it's not big and impressive), it was unneeded and the film could have been really good with out this or putting violence in at the right times with the right characters. I think more could have been told about the characters and their past especially the main character; they should have told more of his story, the actual stories of the characters seem to be quite vague.

On a more positive note the actual story line is quite interesting and the whole 'losers' 'winners' thing really works, it's great to see the little guy win for once!

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Michael Clayton

What was it about exactly, who is this guy, plot...what plot?

(Edit) 21/11/2009

I don't know if we watched a different film but I don't know how this film can be described as engaging, thrilling or gripping, it seemed to over complicate things by not actually explaining anything, the film wants you to put more than all your effort to understand it and it just isn't worth it, with it's strange sub plots (i.e. Michael Clayton's family were brought into the film a few times but it went no where and left you wondering why they were even in it). We waited for the film to 'get into it' but let's just say this didn't happen until the final 5 minutes (I think but who can be sure), which is when George Clooney sort of explains his job, normally in films these hints are dropped in the beginning to give the viewer some idea of what is going on; this film decided to re-invent this idea completely. Maybe there was a little drama somewhere in the film, who knows, I think I'd dropped into a confusion/boredom induced coma by that point. We found this film so boring just because it made it so difficult to get into purely due to the fact that it didn't explain who anyone is or what they do, we can usually pick up on things in films quite quickly but this was an impossible watch and we got the feeling the only effort they made was to hire George Clooney and thought 'this will get the ratings'...the evidence of this is at the end credits; we get to watch him sitting staring at nothingness in the back of a taxi for 10 minutes, this just sums the film up. I wouldn't recommend this film as it seems to want you to stay confused and lost all the way through...and what were the 3 horses on the hill all about?

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