Film Reviews by None

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Pacific Rim

So bad its BAD

(Edit) 08/09/2014

I thought this was going to be a fun homage to B Movies. How wrong I was . It was similar to something that they would show on the SYFI channel.

Bad acting, bad script and it seems to go on for ever.

Seriously what is that ending all about ?


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Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas review

(Edit) 06/09/2013

The book was way overrated so I came into the film hoping that they would do something with the ideas in the book. I was so wrong. The narrative is all over the place and if I had not read the book I would not have known what was going on. Only the Timothy Cavendish story is done justice in the film. I felt was woefully miscast (Tom Hanks' oirish accent is a low point of the film) and the multiple casting of the various actors didnt work. The film tries very hard to be deep and meaningful perhaps too hard and the overall result makes for a mess of a film.

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