Film Reviews by SP

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comedy, drama

(Edit) 16/02/2021

A good film but hardly a "comedy". It deals with issues we all know on this side of the Channel, too. There is a "light" touch and there are moments of humour but not sufficient to call this a comedy.

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In the House

excellent French film

(Edit) 21/06/2018

Subtle plot that nevertheless keeps you guessing. Fine acting from both the younger and older actors and, for anyone who likes their films in French, beautifully enunciated. I thoroughly enjoyed this little gem.

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The Post

Interesting but not totally convinced

(Edit) 21/06/2018

Steven Spielberg, so excellent direction and world class actors in the main roles. Had the film not been attempting to interpret real events I might have bought into it and felt I'd been well entertained. However, the script downplays the role of the New York Times in the leaking of the Pentagon Papers and skates quickly over political events at that time.

Meryl Streep was convincing as Katharine Graham and we could appreciate how ground-breaking her assumption of the ownership of the newspaper was after the death of her husband. And, yes, she had a lavish wardrobe. But I came away thinking there could have been much greater depth to the film.

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