Film Reviews by RD

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Excreable pretention.

(Edit) 18/05/2018

Incoherent and confused, a film that tries oh-so-hard to be deep and meaningful and arty, but fogot that no matter how profound your insight, the story still needs to be told well; no matter how well read your audience your story still needs to be consistant; no matter how much of a genius you are you still need to work out what you want to say before you begin.

There are endless reams on the internet about what this film is about, but frankly all of them fit like cinderellas slipper on an ugly sister, and ugly is certainly the right description for this film.

Superb acting from all the main parts, but sadly it is effort wasted.

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Collateral Beauty

A great cast wasted.

(Edit) 04/07/2017

Let's face it, that cast list is epic. How can this film not be good? Well, I'm not sure how they managed it, but it is rare that a film bored me as much as this one. Predictable, soppy, full of trite platitudes, and heaven help us, angels! This is movie making in the mode of cancer charity TV adverts. Avoid

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