Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 3 reviews and rated 19 films.

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Mother's Day

Terrible film!

(Edit) 27/04/2017

Bad, bad, bad film, Hollywood at its worst! Don't know what I was thinking renting it, possibly that with Julia Roberts in it, it couldn't be that bad. Wrong. Roberts is not actually allowed to act, apart from doing the trademark smile for a few seconds. As the middle aged woman who chose career over children (really? Are we still doing that stereotype?) she can't be happy and is only allowed to show any emotion when she picks up a baby. Dear me. The film is all female/mom stereotypes and easy solutions (so your parents are bigots, just tell them how you feel and their personalities will transform), and plain racism - the stereotypical Indian mother and the Indian guy who must be a terrorist until some white woman says 'no, he's with me'. If you're looking for a couple of hours of shallow and sentimental entertainment full of beautiful people, go ahead, because that's all this is. Jennifer Aniston is as watchable as ever, and the cameo by Jack Whitehall is charming, but those are the only good things about it.

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Black Mountain Poets


(Edit) 07/12/2016

I really looked forward to this film, but when it came to it it was just unwatchable. The hand-held camera work was irritating, it just didn't flow, the plot was never believable, and I literally couldn't watch it. Thank goodness I wasn't watching in the cinema and could make good use of the fast forward button!

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By the Sea

Surprisingly enjoyable

(Edit) 07/12/2016

I've heard nothing good about this film, but I actually really enjoyed it. I suspect many of the people criticising it were expecting the usual formulaic Hollywood fare that both actors do so well, but it aims much more at the French arthouse genre. It doesn't succeed, but is still a good film. Some lovely cinematography and a plot that draws you in. Surprisingly well worth watching

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