Film Reviews by None

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The Punisher

The Punisher

(Edit) 08/05/2005

Appalling. The first attempt at a Punisher film (with Dolph Lungren) is much cheaper and lacks the trademark t-shirt but is a more faithfull, comic book style rendition of this gun-toting Marvel vigilante.

This version is at times more like a Dynasty style soap opera than a revenge action movie. Frank Castle's war on crime is too local and limited and there is little sense of how bottomless his need to 'punish' the guilty is. Has anyone involved with the film read any of the comics? If so the lack of gun-based action and executions is baffling.

The three neighbours are a distraction that serve little in the way of adding any depth to the film or to Castle's character. The plot is uninspiring and at times embarassingly jerky and rushed.

For all it's comparative lack of budget, at least the earlier version had imaginative use of the Punisher's arsenal and well choreographed skirmishes in truly comic book in style. This is a horror of a film. That it avoided the straight to video sentence is a mystery. Avoid.

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