Film Reviews by RS

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Green Lantern

Why do Marvel keep doing better movies??

(Edit) 15/05/2012

I have been reading comics, mainly DC comics, for the last 30 odd years and with the exception of a few Batman movies DC charcters just don't seem to transfer to film all that well unlike the Marvel cannon is doing at the moment.

I wanted to 'love' this movie but it just seemed to have a tired story, too much flash bang to make up for it with some ok special FX. Were my expectations too high? Maybe, but that is what I want from the DC heros from my childhood, I want them to be bigger than the screen I am watching them on and I really didn't feel that!!

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The Road Movie to the Star (Wars)!

(Edit) 15/05/2012

Finally got to see this movie and even as a Trekkie laughed all the way through with great cameos from Star Wars actors (not as themselves) and fanboy actors (Jay and Silent Bob) as well as William Shatner(!!). How could you not love this film if you love the genre!! It is what 'Free Enterprise' was for Star Trek fans!!

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