Film Reviews by PT

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Who Cares Whether It's A Comedy Or Not?

(Edit) 17/10/2018

I suspect it was promoted as a comedy in order to attract fans of The Guard. So it might have misled some viewers, but who cares? This is an excellent film which chooses realism over whimsy. Why anyone believes there was no reason for the killing of father James presumably nodded off during the opening scene. That said, the mystery of who was the potential killer was, in any event, a minor element of a gripping drama, which is entirely believable, moving and imaginative. The writing is brilliant. Probably Brendan Gleeson's film.

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A Ghost Story

Well Worth A Watch

(Edit) 16/05/2018

A compelling and thought provoking film. It is off-beat, but very moving. Don't be put off by those critics who clearly don't have a soul; watch it and decide for yourselves.

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