Film Reviews by None

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The Woman


(Edit) 30/01/2012

The story of the Cleek family...not your normal family. Moulded by Chris the head of the household who has questionable morals. Chris captures a woman he finds in the wilderness who is apparently a last surviving member of clan (who is of a very savage nature a bit far beyond the plausible) and decides to try and civilise her. This brings danger and even stranger behaviour to this family. From here on the movie unravels.

The points the movie tries to make are over top in your face from strangely placed music scores with obvious lyrical meanings to shockingly graphic and disturbing scenes.

If you easily disturbed this film may not be for you.

I've given this 3 stars but it's more like a 2.5. Could have been a lot better if it wasn't for the over the top and brash style

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The Inbetweeners

Good but what you know already

(Edit) 30/01/2012

Firstly I can say I did enjoy this film. There was enough laughable moments to get me through it. There was all the cringe worthy action you love and know from the series.

Essentially that's all this was though. It just felt like an extended episode, but with the same number of laughable scenes,leaving you with longer gaps of not so funny bits.

If your a fan or even a new comer to the lads I think you'll be entertained. Just don't be expecting to see the funniest release of the year.

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