Even Best Little Bit Of Action Thriller Comedy Horror Drama Slasher Supernatural Crime Romedy Dramedy Erotic Erotica Sexploitation Romance & Romantic
Extreme Love Extremely Lovely Feeling Good Feel Good Absolutely Outstanding Excellently Excellency Excellent Excellence Extreme Like Extremely Likely Good Acting Horror Thriller Comedy Romance Romantic Drama Crime Suspense and Action Mix Born To Race
This is a pleasant surprise. I expected it to be soft-core titillation played by an effortlessly gorgeous cast, and it is – but there’s enough going on to make you want to keep watching.
Sharon Hinnendael is good as Charlotte Hawthorn, unlikely shy and virginal as the character is, and Victor Webster as Professor Cole looks to have wandered in straight from ‘The Days of Our Lives’ or ‘Sunset Beach’, but is very effective in the role.
If you like horrors laced with bitchy catwalk prom girls and hidden secrets, you’ll like this – if not, you may even be converted - for 91 minutes at least. My score is 7 out of 10.