Firstly, 2 corrections. This is NOT a porn movie as suggested by the other reviewer. Sure there are two scenes where one might feel uncomfortable watching with grandparents or a pre-pubertal child but underwear is maintained during the "sex scene".
Secondly, we know a couple who didn't speak Shanghai to Heathrow until the plane circled. They married 6 months later. So not all preposterous stories on film are made up.
The film is slow and it is not clear exactly what is happening, something that persists throughout along with annoying music.
Eventually the direction becomes clear although amateurish until the twist which turns the story on its head and you applaud the writer even if you guessed the probable inevitable ending.
Confusing at start but intriguing ,eventuall y makes sense but I felt cheated at the final twist.
Good photography but I thought the strip tease & fight in the Club unnecessary.
Worth seeing.
This is a porn movie not as billed as a thriller, suspense movie. The plot is an incidental vehicle to move between sex scenes and other than the actual theft (lesbian sex scene) is a totally unbelievable series of coincidences. The story follows the activities of one woman, who having double-crossed the gang dons a disguise which just happens to fool a couple at a funeral into thinking she is their daughter. Said daughter, commits suicide conveniently leaving passport and ticket to America. On plane she is moved to first class and the guy on the seat next to her marries her. I am sure we all know someone with charmed lives like that.....not. The twist is It's a ......dream. So the suicidee and thief have the foreknowledge to cook up a scheme covering the next 7 years of their lives. Oh hum. Thriller it is not.