Film Reviews by GJ

Welcome to GJ's film reviews page. GJ has written 3 reviews and rated 8 films.

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Cemetery of Splendour

Disappointing to say the least

(Edit) 16/12/2017

Film doesn't match it's imaginative title. As other reviewer noted long scenes with nothing happening. Near the beginning was a lengthy scene of elderly lady walking along a hospital verandah. I guessed then this was going to be a bad choice. Watched the first 20 minutes, fast forwarded, watched some more and finally gave up. Waste of time

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Miss Sloane

Won't be everyone's cup of tea

(Edit) 20/11/2017

Like some of the other of reviewers thought Miss Sloane's deliverance a complete pain. So quick that it is difficult to take in the sense of what she is saying. I had had enought after 1 hour and did not bother with rest. Might go down better with some young city bucks but most people will find this a big swicth off.

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Jason Bourne


(Edit) 06/11/2017

Like most of the other reviews I do not rate this as the earlier Bourne film. Car chase far too long as is the whole film.

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