Film Reviews by None

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Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Vicky and Christina fulfill Woody's Fantasy

(Edit) 06/08/2009

I enjoyed this film more than I expected mainly because Woody Allen was not as obvious a presence in it as he is in many of his other films. Scarlett is gorgeous to look at and for once there is some serious eye candy for the girls in the shape of Javier Bardem whcih perked this film up for me.

As usual with a Woody Allen film it's all about the neurotic rather unreal characters and their take on relationships rather than anything much actually happening but the sumptous setting of Barcelona gives this film a luscious extra dimension which takes it above average.

Penelope shouts too much and goes over into a latino cliche, but Javier's wardrobe is worth a watch on its own.

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La Vie En Rose

An outstanding performance

(Edit) 06/08/2009

I had put off getting this film out because I wasn't really into Edith Piaf as her style of singing isn't really my cup of tea. However, the film was gripping from the start, beautifully shot and the tragedy of her life story is more dramatic than any made up story could be.

Marion Cotillard's performance is nothing less than stunning and she was rightly an Oscar winner - it makes Kate's performance of an old lady in The Reader look very thin.

An original, and another example of European film making showing a class that American Block Busters just can't buy.

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Dean Spanley

Dean spanners

(Edit) 06/08/2009

Despite having employed some excellent actors and a typically acid performance from Peter O Toole this is a turgid and misguided film which never gets off the starting blocks.

The plot is fairly non existent - Sam Neil - being the eccentric Dean Spanley of the title - has a few hallucinations when he drinks an exotic beverage - not quite Naked Lunch territory.

My expectations were high as this had been given 5 stars in a previous review and I rarely give up on a movie before the end but this was lamer than a three legged dog.

Dull, dull, dull.

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