Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 8 reviews and rated 22 films.

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About a Boy

a personal favourite - the best of British light and warm humour

(Edit) 09/11/2011

Perfectly cast and presented, a warm and sincere movie containing characters most English people know. I just love this film and have watched it a few times, it never fails to make me smile and feel good at least a few times every time. The score is perfect, absolutely perfect. Certainly the best Hugh Grant role I have ever seen and certainly the best of British light and warm humour.

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self indulgent dribble, immature rubbish

(Edit) 21/12/2010

Do not bother with this, you will feel cheated like I did. Ryan Reynolds was great in Party Liaison Officer, he was bright and sharp.

Pull out Ryan and get sharp again, please, what happend? It even touches on politics, a big NO NO in movies (it won't get to me faster than News!). Nothing new here (or even real, yes he would have run out of oxygen, especially with the flame/s), Immature rubbish. I only managed to sit through it because I thought something was going to happen, well it had to didn't it? But it never does, and I was tired and needed to sit down for a while. It is pitched as a 'cult film' be careful, PR people are all up to scratch on how that works.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

british and excellent

(Edit) 23/12/2010

The films are all great. This one was spot on for my 10 year old boy. The right level of scary and magic, showed him friendship, love, death and humility clearly. These films waggle the finger at all the despicable things in our world and encourage all the best. Housing estates, small minded adults, bullies, modern transport, modern cities and government structures, the list continues, they are all shown in their clearly deplorable and pathetic realities. While friendships, kindness and fun are encouraged. Great stuff UK.

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I know it sounds stupid to say it but it's 'very french'

(Edit) 09/12/2010

Honestly I had to look away from some of the over thrusty-bangy lovemaking scenes, his lack of class in the sex dept might mean something but if so it clearly shot straight over my head (no pun). The film lacked intellectual depth, it was mildly scathing of women in general and shows men as weak regarding the opposite sex (hey, maybe that was what it was all about). It did however enlighten me somewhat regarding 'problem daughters' in a real way, and it did have an attractive and naked young woman in it (but the bloke is a bit skinny & grim looking so I am told).

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Van Wilder: Party Liaison

it takes the USA to make these films, well cast Ryan Reynolds

(Edit) 09/12/2010

This Film, I love it. It always makes me laugh and I have watched it a few times. The mad balance is right on here well done USA, only you could have made this film. Ryan Reynolds is perfectly cast, in fact the whole film is.

I don't generally like comedy films (or anything out of Hollywood) but this genre is an art form. Raw fearless utterances which do actually deal with issues.. Consider the stuck up med student and the stereotypes too, even the attitudes to obesity, go for it watch this movie. If you like American Pie or Road Trip you will like this, especially the bit with the Cream Éclairs.

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methodical, slow and real

(Edit) 09/12/2010

I really liked this, methodical, slow and real.

Couldn't fault any of it. However if you are looking for a laugh out loud film this isn't it. This is more like Historias Minimas with smaller cast and budget, Lars and the Real Girl in terms of funny, but maybe not quite so. Acutally a bit more real and thinky than Lars. I suppose it is a bit About Schmidt too.

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Let the Right One In

Excellent, nothing gratuitous here

(Edit) 24/11/2010

Excellent film, thank you Sweden, quatre points. Sprinkled with intelligence, absolutely charming piano score accompanying many tender and thoughtful moments, camera work great, brilliantly cast. It reflects on, and deals with youth, aging, death, fear, relationships, parenting, the list is long. (This is a book too remember) Do not be put off by any talk of it being a horror movie, it is not, stay with it, watch it. Very very highly recommended. A film which is hard to fault. Nothing gratuitous here, there are some 'clinical' scenes yes, but this is a proper film. To compare it to another film is difficult, thinking.. Walkabout meets An American Werewolf meets The Concrete Garden.

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Vampire Diary

real & refreshing

(Edit) 08/09/2010

Watched this last night, enjoyed it. Initial surprise was the reality angle, stay with it.

It didn't suffer from 'slick disease', which ruins and 'airheads' most films these days, my personal opinion. Having said that, it is no way as simplistically shot as Blair Witch nor as low budget as Man bites Dog.

Didn't have time to watch the extras on the DVD, not sure of the budget, it's not huge.

Crazy but this is one of more believable films I have seen this year, and it's about Vampires! An edgy and real feel to it, very much appreciated, well cast, great and extensive soundtrack, great job generally.

If the filmmakers want to make millions and own the world then more fantasy is needed, turn the soundtrack up and paint it in money. Hopefully they prefer to making good films, intelligent and real, and only mildly excessive amounts of money for all involved. Looking forward to another from these guys.

I rate this film at three and a half but will give it five.

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