Film Reviews by None

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Fell short

(Edit) 08/03/2011

With praise such as "the sequel the original deserved" I had high hopes. In fairness the film isn't diabolical, but it lacks much of the atmosphere of the original amd has that hollywood film set lustre.

The plot makes no sense and the predators themselves are the most lame members of their species yet presented.

Bring back the gritty more realistic filming style and the formidable hunters who can take on multiple aliens or a squad of highly trained soldiers single handed. Can we please have something to be scared by?

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Angels and Demons

2 stars is probably too generous

(Edit) 21/11/2009

Not a bad book, better than it's sequel, terrible conversion to screen.

Dan Brown, again strikes on controversial ground. Dealing, this time, with the ongoing battle between catholicisim and science, the book has an interesting concept which the film simply fails to convey.

The acting is flat, the material cut from the book is better than some of the stuff kept in, and the atmosphere is entirely dependant on the scenery.

In short, not a film I'd watch twice, and that's saying something.

If at the end of the film, you're left wondering why the antagonist did it all, read the book for the rest of the answers.

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The War of the Worlds

It may unsettle adults too!

(Edit) 17/06/2008

When I was a kid I used to love this film, partially because I was probably too young to watch it, and partly because it scared me so much.

Now, twenty or so years later I saw it again, and it shocked me. So many films today rely on CGI to prop up an otherwise mediocre production, this suffered none of that.

It's a well composed piece, each individual section hits the right notes, and the sum is remarkably sinister and powerful. It sums up the spirit of the original novel in ways that seem lost on todays film makers.

In summary this film is one of the best Sci-Fi films ever and should justly stand ashamed of it's modern peers.

"Parental Guidance - general viewing but some scenes..." etc etc. Some children will find it unsettling, but then again so will the adults.

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