Film Reviews by None

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I've Loved You So Long

Poor Subtitles

(Edit) 10/06/2009

This may very well be a very good film, but as my French is not that good, I couldn't tell. The English subtitles were more or less non-existant. After lots of French dialogue, a very brief, single sentence would appear, after some delay, in English. It was just really annoying, so I stopped watching. I have enoyed numerous foreign-made films in the past and this has never happened before. I hope this is not a trend to save money.

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Eden Lake

Dreadful Film

(Edit) 10/06/2009

We often enjoy films in the horror/thriller genre, but this was just plain nasty and awful. We stopped watching it about half way through as it was just so disgusting and gratuituously violent. We didn't need to see the rest - it was all so obvious. Who would want to spend a summer evening watching a cheaply-made, cliche-driven film like this? It's a shame there's not an option to award films no stars.

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