Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 7 reviews and rated 7 films.

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The Sleeping Dictionary

Sleeping Fictionary

(Edit) 07/03/2005

This was trite, tedious and terrible. Got switched off after about 10 mins.

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The Contender

Tedium ad nauseum

(Edit) 11/03/2005

Didn't get beyond the first 10 minutes in this really slow moving film about American politics. Nothing to engage you on any level whatsoever.

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Taxi Ride From Hell

(Edit) 11/03/2005

A taut and at times terrifying thriller featuring Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise. Foxx is a taxi driver who has spent the last 12 years dream of setting up the ultimate Limo business. He becomes an unwitting pawn in a contract that Tom Cruise (playing a hard nosed man ) has been hired to carry out. Really don't want to give too much away but this is a gripping film which will have you, like it did me, on the edge of your seat.

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Bad Taste

Cult Phooey

(Edit) 22/03/2005

This has been, I know, acclaimed by critics and fans alike but we had it in the machine for 5 minutes before take it out. Not remotely funny.

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I Could Read the Sky


(Edit) 07/03/2005

I don't, I must confess, know the book or the author but it became clear after the first couple of minutes that it would better work as an audio book. It's not that it's not visual but these are pictures to be created in the mind not on screen. And unfortunately for the author, whoever directed it - & I don't care who did - was one of those fanny adams who obvsiouly adores concept over content, resulting in something which is more in love with the camera angles and techniques it can use than giving any justice to the book or satisfaction to the viewer.

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Lost in La Mancha

The Stuff of Dreams

(Edit) 07/03/2005

This is a film about Terry Gilliam's attempt to realise his dream of making a film about "Don Quixote" so is really for the film buffs amongst us. It was a bold, imaginative project and one is left hoping that Terry Gilliam makes it one day because it would be a breathtaking film to watch.

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A wee gem!

(Edit) 11/03/2005

Inspired by a true story, this is the tale of a group of criminals serving time in prison. Colin Briggs (Clive Owen) and his cell mates are forced to tend to the gardens by the prison warden and soon discover that they have a real talent for this work and end up at the Hampton Court Garden Show. It's a better than average human spirit surmounting the odds story and is well acted/directed. Perfect Sunday afternoon viewing.

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