Film Reviews by BM

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Bill Evans: Time Remembered

A great documentary about an exceptional artist...

(Edit) 09/10/2019

As a fan of Bill Evans, I'm not sure it'd have been possible for me not to enjoy this. Spiegel's documentary is a well presented, well told recount of Bill Evans' life and musical career. It benefits from a range of insightful interviews from people who knew him - and the live footage and archive interviews with Bill that are woven in to narrative are excellent and most welcome. If you're a fan of Bill or jazz music in general, this is simply great.

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A Simple Favour


(Edit) 07/03/2019

Tonally this film is all over the place and it can't decide quite what type of film wants to be either. The 'twists' are tedious and some of the acting is very ropey (Henry Golding in particular). Paul Feig should stick to crass comedies.

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