Film Reviews by MB

Welcome to MB's film reviews page. MB has written 7 reviews and rated 16 films.

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One Fine Morning

Real life

(Edit) 12/03/2024

The excellence of this film starts with the writing which shows the messiness of real life particularly when trying to do the right thing comes into conflict with what you long for. Add uniformly fine performances and unobtrusive direction and you're on to a winner. The film also shows that family is what you make of it, highly recommended.

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Interesting take

(Edit) 05/12/2023

Very interesting take on Cinderella directed by Beebon Kieran (oranges Are Not the Only Fruit). Kathleen Turner makes a terrific villain and Jane Birkin makes a very interesting mermaid.

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Let the Sunshine In

Little substance

(Edit) 05/12/2023

Did not really get on with this, irritating characters, especially Juliet Binoche's, feel the writer and director were far too pleased with themselves. The DVD extra was an interview with the director which didn't cast much more light on proceedings. I believe Claire Denis tends to divide opinion so there you go! However I do remember enjoying 37 Shots of Rum by her, though I saw it a long time ago.

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The Seagull

Excellent screen adaptation

(Edit) 05/12/2023

A proper film adaptation, not just filming the play but getting over it's essence. It's Chekhov so it's not particularly cheerful and everybody feels hard done by so if that's not your bag just move along, if you like such things the acting is superb, especially the female leads.

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As You Like It

Excellent Shakespeare

(Edit) 07/10/2023

Excellent and imaginative Shakespeare, first rate adaptation and direction by Kenneth Branagh and faultless performances all round.

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Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom

Universal themes

(Edit) 22/07/2023

A beautiful film on a not particularly original topic (learning what's really important in life)but well acted and directed plus stunning scenery.

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Superb acting,strong female characters.

(Edit) 22/07/2023

At the time I think there was some arguments re. the relationship between the two female characters (historically speaking), but ignore that and enjoy the performances of Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan (and everyone else) and appreciate the marvellous achievements of Mary Anning. If you want a biographical film about Mary Anning this might not be for you, it's more a relationship drama with additional subplot on women's place in 19th century society.

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