Film Reviews by zc

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Goya's Ghosts

A beautiful failure worth watching

(Edit) 21/10/2015

Beautiful and evocative to look at, but doesn't seem to shed any light on Goya and not too much more on what was a very turbulent and interesting time. Lorenzo's is the most interesting character but it remains more hinted at than explored and the plot, while it may actually get less improbable as time goes on, never really seems to amount to much beyond a sequence of semi-incredible events. But then this is an incredible era. Maybe some day we'll see a director's cut that will restore some much-needed substance to this film, but as it is it seems as though the execution (not a pun) hasn't quite matched the concept. Nonetheless, I would say it's worth watching. I saw it some years ago and, like many of Forman's films, it sticks in my mind.

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