Film Reviews by PS

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The King's Man


(Edit) 20/05/2022

Crap - doesn`t know if it wants to be a comedy or drama , flits between the two which leaves you bewildered and ending up really not caring about the film. Shoehorns laughable, bizarre and unlikely alternative histories for events leading up to and during WW1 that push the boundaries of credulity to "That`s just stupid" territory. Overly long too.

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Grand Prix: The Golden Years

Disappointed !

(Edit) 06/10/2021

Was looking forward to watching this but came away disappointed. Despite mentioning racing in late 60`s and early 80`s the dvd just concentrates on the 1970`s. Commentary doesn`t always match up with what you are watching so it`s all a bit mixed up, vague and difficult to follow. Some errors too, Ken Tyrrell ran Matra cars not Marches and I`m sure I heard poor John Watson called Tom Watson at some point. At just short of a hour to cover 10 years it is all a bit rushed too. Some good footage though, but it would be better if you just knew what it was you were watching sometimes.

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I never knew......

(Edit) 05/07/2021

Before seeing this film I just thought Marcel Marceau was just some unfunny smug looking mime artist , just goes to show you shouldn`t judge a book.......

Gripping and brutal.

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Solar Impact: The Destruction of London

Polystyrene Hammer !!

(Edit) 11/06/2021

Best bit for me was when one of the zombies gets twatted on the head with a claw hammer and you see bits of polystyrene fly off from it ...... hilarious.

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