Film Reviews by PM

Welcome to PM's film reviews page. PM has written 3 reviews and rated 33 films.

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Art or entertainment?

(Edit) 10/09/2020

A bit too odd for me. Very much a film noir: long drawnout moody silences with people smoking. Cinematography makes use of the stunning cornish landscape. Fair commentry on the alienation of traditional culture in a rapidly evolving money driven world. Could have been more dramatic..... I felt the more could have happened to the antagonists like being clubbed to death with a lead filled diving boot , oh well thats an hour and half I'll never get back.

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Crucible of the Vampire

A modern take on the Hammer genre.

(Edit) Updated 24/10/2019

A modern film; perhaps a nod towards the Hammer classics, nostalgic, with greater subtlety and some wonderful photography.

OK, it was made on a budget, some of the acting at the start lacked the polish of major productions but may be this adds to the charm. The Shropshire setting is fantastic and atmospheric, it was shot in real places. Both of the female leads carry the film well and hopefully we will see them in the future, they are a match for Hollywood.

An intriguing story line, with plausible links to uk history and folklore, the pace develops with plenty of, "It's behind you" moments. The climax is not too enigmatic, but also prods your imagination.

This film is a great piece of escapism for a dark and stormy autumnal night. Suspend your scepticism, get your log fire lit, crack open a bottle of port and be entertained.

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Realistic Characters

(Edit) 04/01/2019

Thought the film tackled the issue of autism and the "gifted" end of its spectrum very well. Asa Butterfield could have studied a few students I have worked with, the lights are on, but you’re not sure which room the occupants are hiding in. The awkward stillness and blank emotion was well targeted.

An issue driven film? Slushy? Life can be all of these things. Forgivable?...I think so.

The film was watchable and overall warmly entertaining and judging by some of the reviews surprisingly controversial. Gosh, women doing maths, whatever next, women in space?

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